Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fake Tan and Shaun Tan

Yesterday I decided to try some fake tan gel.

I did change colour but due to the allergic reaction I had, the colour is more like white with pink polka dots than a golden tan. I look like a very cross plucked chicken.

Ahem, on a less personal note, and don't mind me scratching, I spent some of yesterday drawing and painting a few things from around the garden and a few things that just fell out the end of my pencil. Then I studied the artwork of Illustrator Shaun Tan on the Internet and was very very tempted to buy a print of one of his works. One day! In the meantime I will endeavour to make the best bid for a signed book of his at a function I'm at in a week. I just hope it doesn't go above $5.

My first Illustrator/Photoshop course on the weekend was excellent especially since there are only two people in the class. Whether or not a large group of people got locked in a room at the other end of the college grounds I couldn't say but having a teacher all to yourself practically is great. We have begun on Photoshop. Its fantastic and I am mentally rubbing my hands together in glee the whole time. Still, I envisage it will be some time before I am flying the plane competently. There's tonnes to learn. There are so many tutorials on the net about how to use this type of software. It's been great seeing how an artist put together a particular artwork. I mean my brain goes numb trying to take in all the complicated steps, but it's a happy kind of numb.

In other news I am looking for a localish illustrator group to join. Where are they? Maybe I will place an add at my local gallery. And one of the on-line industry newsletters.

In the meantime I am still sorting through my stories to choose the ones I'll head to the manuscript appraisal with. So hard to pick these things when I love them all. I have tried casting a cold hard eye over them, but the eye just mists over. Hopeless! The best idea I can come up with is to pick the ones that have gotten the strongest response from readers, especially emotive responses, and go with those. They tend to be the ones I have strong illustration images for too.

I do love artwork that conveys emotion well. Of course today's pics show no such thing, but darn it, that's all I had.

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