Theres one thing I had forgotten the joy of recently until I was grinning like an idiot, elbow deep in Derwents, and that is playing.
My self-led artists recovery course happens to co-incides with our annual Mid-winter party. This is a yearly excuse for me to decorate our house in some kind of theme and have a party to celebrate mid-winter (I celebrate the winter, my husband the end of it). As the final Harry Potter movie is to be released [ :-)/:-( ] about the same time, it seemed an excellent theme for the party. I usually do make some effort at props and styling, but this year, reconnecting with my creativity has meant I have become, well, obsessed. Ideas are coming out like a clay pigeon shooter and though I have no idea how I will have the time to do them all, the main thing is that I am having a ball (albeit alone on my little nerdy planet- "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."). This opportunity to play with something fun has been a great party-starter for my brain. I promise to proudly show off whatever ridiculous lengths my playing reaches!
If you have lost your creative joy, try putting on a themed party, make a cubby house, design your dream campervan, make a clay gargoyle or put on some eyeliner and do Singstar. You know your inner child wants too!
Sounds fantastic! Love to see some more photos!