Saturday, January 28, 2012

Don't Die With the Words Still Inside

Last night I read a small sentence which completely horrified me. It was- "And die with the words still inside you."
This could easily translate to whatever creative passion drives you, but for me personally, writing is the parcel I feel compelled to deliver before death do I part. Surely then, I need only draw a picture of a headstone with my own name on it and some words like 'Beloved Author and Artist'to give me something feel-good to work toward. Uh-huh.
Let's face it though; not doing what floats your boat is like not getting your life letter in the mailbox. How badly you feel about that varies person to person. Personally it terrifies me.Surely then this is top-notch motivation. A clear vision. An undisputed goal. Of course, and I will be there with bells on, just after I check my e-mail...
I read that earlier dire sentence in an excellent compilation of 50 life lessons, written by one Regina Brett. They are gathered up into a neat little book called 'Life's Little Detours' and I highly recommend it. My quote comes from a piece entitled- "A writer is someone who writes. If you want to be a writer, write."
Brett was once asked what makes a writer. She replied that she wasn't really sure, but she did know what DIDN'T make a writer. She then writes a long and comprehensive list of all the usual excuses we find not to write/paint/compose. You will blush when you read it, because most of your 'Reasons' or simply excuses are listed here. Ouch. You can rate them from valid and genuine to pathetic, but the fact is, they are all time spent not doing what you know full well in your heart you should be doing.
Isn't it silly that if someone told you you were not allowed to write/draw/paint etc ever again you would look at them like they were insane- "As if anyone can stop me!Ha!" And yet, many days and in many ways, we are our own worst enemy. How did we change our fear of not doing, to a fear of doing? Figuring this out, may seem valid, but it's just another waste of time!
Instead, each day, 'say' what you were born to say,because you love it, because it makes you feel alive and it just feels damn right. Make a choice while you can.

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