The Artist's Way book has been a valuable tool for my creative recovery and continues to be so. It amazes me (but in a way, not) how relevant each chapter is for that particular week in my life. So, the pot is well stirred, the juices are flowing and lots of wonderful projects are in my life, offering me passage once again down the road to creative fulfilment and extreme happiness. But, the truth is, I've been here before. Many many times. It most certainly is a first step, but obviously it isn't quite enough for me, else I wouldn't be here. Again.
The universe obviously listened because I went into work at the bookstore, and one small white book was on the bench(with a beam of sunlight falling on it!. Just kidding) , waiting to be put away. I'd never seen it before, so I picked it up to have a look. It was called 'The Art of Uncertainty' by Dennis Merritt Jones. I had a quick look through it and knew it was exactly what I needed. I have been reading it, bit by bit ever since (small nibble and time to digest) and my life has been changing dramatically as I go. It is about many things and I haven't finished yet, but mostly it's about living consciously (though I have many books on that) and leaning out over the void of uncertainty and bravely, stepping off. It's also about listening to the 'stories' you tell in your life that reinforce negative patterns "I'm no good with money", "I never finish projects", etc. Also it is about noticing the ruts in your life and, not only explaining how to leave them, but remains with you while you do it. I have read many books on 'life tools' but they don't stay with you for the duration.
So I have my ticket and now I have my companion for the journey and she is simply me, being conscious and being brave for as long as it takes to leave forever these trenches, this mile-deep maze, made by me.
I'll send postcards I promise.
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