Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nuts and Snorkels

Every time it starts to rain or simply drops ten degrees and get cloudy, a wave of excitement puts cosmic sand in my cossie bottoms and I have to sit down and write. I just lurve Autumn. It's my favourite season- no surprise there as most nut's ripen in Autumn! But it's just so good for bum-glue to seat value. That and I'm just loving writing anyway. Love the world I'm writing about, my characters etc to bits. It's a pleasure spending time with them, uncovering them.
The only bad bit is, it's rather antisocial. This has some odd effects on me. For instance I find myself getting dressed up to pick up the kids from school. Hey that is my social life! Also, if I do actually meet up with a real walking breathing human, I practically gobble them up with excitement. Very scary for alarmed individual. One person I saw recently who is normally very funny, was a bit tired on the time I saw them. And frighteningly I remember thinking 'Oh for goodness sake, wake up a bit, this is my human contact time here and your putting on a poor show.' I know. Very rude. But my subconscious hasn't the nicest manners at times.
It's a pleasure to spend so long in a great fantasy world, but I like to keep at least a snorkel in reality. I'll try and work on a less manic snorkel.

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