Sunday, March 7, 2010

Wobbly Writing

It's writing, it's pouring, the old girls no longer snoring!
Yep, meet writer girl- the writer who is actually writing. That's me!
It all began with an enormous wobbly thrown by moi about a week ago. I'm not going to brag about that bit. It was loud and nasty and my kids mouths were in the shape of the letter O. This is not necessarily the recommended method of getting out of a rut but that's just the way it happened. Those ornaments weren't valuable any way.
So why the tantie? Well, I have been trying to get my house in some order for yonks. This seemed to be like trying to create pottery from slime - a messy and un-fun way of doing things that once finished simply returned to it's original gross shape. My kids were also not pulling their finger out and it just seemed the whole world was out to stop me from writing. So, I reacted in a mature sophisticated manner- I spat my dummy- about a kilometre.
Anyway the bottom line is I am writing. I am back in my story land uncovering the story bit by bit. It is very much like being a scribe to an already existing story. I just want to do a good job telling it.
And out of left field I got to do a little illustration for a colouring in page which was fun too.

So this coming week I am trying an odd method of going away to write for a week- I am camping in my studio. Why? Well, I would have loved to go away for a week but we didn't have any way of looking after the children in the afternoons till my husband got home so this was a compromise. I can just see someone asking my children where there mother is and them telling them I am living under the house. Well, I have been a troll I guess of late!

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