Monday looms like a giant blank piece of paper the size of Tasmania; though rectangular of course. Tasmania is more like a cute love heart shape and if a giant heart loomed that would probably be OK as opposed to the rigid rectangle which is obviously terrifying. Ahem. Anyway, it's from this day forth I will be writing full-time. You know, the day from which I have given away all my paying work and set out in my little writing ship to search for the land of Publication.
To give me confidence that I can get back into the world of my story I have got all the 'travel' gear I think I might need to get there- theme music, notes, pictures, lucky gonk ( if you know what this is, by jingo you're showing your age) etc. I plan to spread it all out on the floor, lie on it and make a book angel. No, not really of course, that would scratch the CD's but all that stuff I hope will trigger me off to writing. Then all I need is some peace and quiet. What are my chances? The chooks have been extra loud and whiny of late, the crested pigeons and native doves are cooing their tiny brains out and don't even get me started on the Channel billed cuckoo, whom I would throttle -if I could reach the bugger. But wisely it sits in the highest branches of the Anghophora calling out (all day long) " Oh Mummy currawong, feed me another 300 snacks for I am weak and fading and only 3 times your size." Hey mate, migrate already!
Well I'm going to do it anyway I guess, nervous tick or no. Wish me luck on all fronts!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Butterflies, Stars and Tomorrows

Two days ago as a birthday treat from a friend, I spent the day in Sydney's Newtown. Now if a day there doesn't inspire you to write, nothing would. I imagine living there for a year, bohemian style and simply writing and existing. It's a rich compost for all the senses. I love it. Though it is a bit like visiting a wild butterfly farm and then going back to live in Snailtown. I was also lucky enough to see the movie about Keats called Bright Star. Well, it's about him and Fanny Brawne and their relationship and life at that time. I haven't read Keats for an age though I recognised some of the poems. It has certainly inspired me to re-read his work- so poignant and beautiful. He also gives a wonderful description of what poetry is in the film but you'll have to take note yourself if you see it as I can't remember it word for word but I do recall thinking it was a perfect description.
Yesterday I had the rare opportunity to read for much of the day which was a delicious way to spend it. I read Cecilia Ahern's new book 'The Book of Tomorrow' (she's the author of PS I love You and others). The story was certainly an interesting one and caught you up as it dropped more and more breadcrumbs as the story unfolded. From the first one your mental head snaps up- "Eh up! What's with that?" so that you are dragged along faster and faster by the nostril hairs of your curiosity till you finally work it all out; eye's watering, near the end. It's definitely worth a read so I don't want to give more away. My only criticism and I'll have to keep it vague, is that when all is revealed, it perhaps seems a little unlikely in parts. There's a few things that you wonder at the possibility of. It's good for me to notice these things when I write. Sometimes your character has so much happening that you forget to look down and see if they have trouser's on from two chapters ago. I suppose though that once you are a famous and well-liked author and we're talking credible plot's you get an extra cup full of leeway from your loving readers. So OK Cecelia, I'll let you get away with that one.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Keeping Cool with a Cup Half Full
I thoroughly Westfielded myself this morning. I know it's pathetic but the idea of an air conditioned town won out over a scalding beach today. I must have been desperate because i had my children in tow. I had birthday vouchers to spend, God love me. God help me I spent more than that by the time I left. Of course. No excuse except that when department stores take 50% off the already marked down price, even the anti-shopper likes of I get palpitations. I got a lot of stuff that goes with my pink hair. Guess that's why it was still on the racks. I have entered the kingdom of Odd Size Bargains via my hair. I Could never nab a shoe bargain having a common size, nor did it happen much that I fitted a size 6 nor 16. Now, however I can nab all the "only goes with pink hair' bargains. Love it. Guess I'll have to repinkefy myself.
One thing I got today which I love and really needed was a book by Jackie French and Sue deGennaro called 'The Tomorrow Book'. I had noticed my cup has been very Half Empty of late and this was a lovely positive life boost. Now, it is a kid's book by the way. Here's the blurb about the book and it's creators................"both passionate environmentalists, have combined their remarkable abilities to produce an inspiring story about a wonderful tomorrow." Sue used materials and packaging she already had a home so the illustrations contain bits of gorgeous collage. Recommended!
To transform my world from my ears inwards I'm listening to Sawdust by The Killers which I know looks macabre in print but though it's not to make daisy chains by , it pumps energy straight into you- "Clear! Whammo!" Recommended!
One thing I got today which I love and really needed was a book by Jackie French and Sue deGennaro called 'The Tomorrow Book'. I had noticed my cup has been very Half Empty of late and this was a lovely positive life boost. Now, it is a kid's book by the way. Here's the blurb about the book and it's creators................"both passionate environmentalists, have combined their remarkable abilities to produce an inspiring story about a wonderful tomorrow." Sue used materials and packaging she already had a home so the illustrations contain bits of gorgeous collage. Recommended!
To transform my world from my ears inwards I'm listening to Sawdust by The Killers which I know looks macabre in print but though it's not to make daisy chains by , it pumps energy straight into you- "Clear! Whammo!" Recommended!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
A Jolly Good Luncheon- Hooragh!
Today for my birthday I had a Wind in the Willows picnic down by my favourite bit of river. I have long loved the book and always remembered rat's wonderful description of the contents of his luncheon hamper to Mole. I had to do a few small vegetarian adjustments for those of us that way inclined (it is no surprise there is no vego equivalent of tongue) and I admit I added blackberry tarts and clotted cream to our hamper and a pot of tea. It really was a magical morning to be out rowing among the moorhens and dab chicks with no-one else about and the sun sparkling on the water. We followed it up with glorious swim further upstream where the sea is not far away. Once again we had the river to ourselves except for the hundreds of baby Taylor, Bream and Flathead (I think. I know they weren't white pointers and that's all I cared about). We finished with our delicious picnic under a tree in the sun. Superb. Thanks for the inspiration Mr Grahame!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Knowing it Inside Out
School holidays and writing are like oil and water. Or shampoo and marshmallows. Just not mixing well. Fortunately the universe sent a swat team of mosquito's to bite me at exactly 4am so that I would be forced to get up and write in the peaceful, though itchy, wee hours of the morn. Which I did.
At the moment it is lots of notes on motive, action and consequence. Nothing is simple and you have to try and think of everything. Your character does something: why do they do it? Who will it affect? Did they have an ulterior motive? Who else knows about it and does that matter? Will there be long term consequences and if so will that be obvious now or revealed later? Why are there so many peanut butter allergies in the world?
Reading some notes aloud to someone (ignoring any looks of long suffering) shows me large holes in things no shove of a quick cork will remedy. If they read it to me (more ignored suffering), better still as I can take note of holes and further questions I need to ask. Consistency I guess is the key. This isn't easy for an inconstant person. Playing the writer and the reader is hard. You have to know everything yet pretend at the same time, you know nothing unless it is revealed. Like catching the train and noticing that you have your top on inside out and having to just go with it.
At the moment it is lots of notes on motive, action and consequence. Nothing is simple and you have to try and think of everything. Your character does something: why do they do it? Who will it affect? Did they have an ulterior motive? Who else knows about it and does that matter? Will there be long term consequences and if so will that be obvious now or revealed later? Why are there so many peanut butter allergies in the world?
Reading some notes aloud to someone (ignoring any looks of long suffering) shows me large holes in things no shove of a quick cork will remedy. If they read it to me (more ignored suffering), better still as I can take note of holes and further questions I need to ask. Consistency I guess is the key. This isn't easy for an inconstant person. Playing the writer and the reader is hard. You have to know everything yet pretend at the same time, you know nothing unless it is revealed. Like catching the train and noticing that you have your top on inside out and having to just go with it.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The Writers Zone
Off out tonight. Am avoiding at all costs ordering a 'fire engine' thus robbing bartender of witty comment ie "Goes with your hair luv!" Oh ha, ha and Te he. Perhaps I will wear a wig to avoid attention. I have a Princess Leia one which is far more subtle than my current real hair.
Speaking of real, I have been thinking lately of the altered reality of being a writer. Well, a fiction writer in any case. Suddenly you have full permission to stick your head in the clouds ( Really? Can I? It's truly okay to do this?)whilst at the same time everything below the clouds is watched with a magnifying glass. It is a bizarre line to walk really. I feel like Marty Feldman with a pen.
Speaking of real, I have been thinking lately of the altered reality of being a writer. Well, a fiction writer in any case. Suddenly you have full permission to stick your head in the clouds ( Really? Can I? It's truly okay to do this?)whilst at the same time everything below the clouds is watched with a magnifying glass. It is a bizarre line to walk really. I feel like Marty Feldman with a pen.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Writing in Raspberry
It's been an interesting week, being a pink-haired person. A few pluses of having brightly coloured hair is that sales assistants spot you a mile off and you never have to wait for service. Also it gives you a whole fresh look at your wardrobe eg 'I'm not getting any younger, my hair is hot pink- what can I actually wear today?' Really though, I always enjoyed a decorating challenge. Also if you enjoy psychology, having pink hair gives you an interesting insight into other people. The facial expressions you see! The reactions! All very interesting but really at the end of the day mostly I am like -" Alright now, have a good look and can we then get on with our lives please!" Yeah, I know, what did I expect? Hey, I don't think that far ahead. I will add two more things about brightly coloured hair. One, people seem to be unable to cope with it early in the morning. Two, one of those people may be yourself. When you've had a bad sleep and you are 20 and your hair is wacky, somehow, it all works OK. When you are somewhat older than this, the words "Oh Dear." come to mind when you hit the morning mirror.
I'll leave you with my favourite Thoreau quote of the week- ' ......and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behaviour. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?'
I'll leave you with my favourite Thoreau quote of the week- ' ......and if I repent of anything, it is very likely to be my good behaviour. What demon possessed me that I behaved so well?'
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Pink Haired Rude Cow
Happy New Year!
I am excited to report that I began the New Year writing away madly, as I have been for the last 5 days or so. It's all novel while the novel is still novel! Of course in spending my waking hours writing I have already proven myself to be a rude cow writing hermit. I was invited over to a neighbours on New Years Eve and I actually crossed the road and everything but then did a u-turn and hurried back to the computer. I'd already had a few problems getting ready as I had dyed my hair (I thought it would be more red however it's pretty much crimson pink, but hey, I like it) to mark the New Year and then discovered it was hard to match with my clothes with things that had been bought for a blonde person....Ahem, anyway, I did get ready and everything but instead found myself simple wanting to keep writing so that's what I ended up doing. Of course I felt really bad, but not bad enough to stop writing. I also skipped most of the following day with other friends so I could continue to write. I apologised profusely on all occasions but I found people really supportive and heard lots of "Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do." I also read the same quote recently somewhere so that is my mantra from the universe at present. While the writing is flowing- I keep going! And I guess at the end of the day, good friends hopefully will understand and support you following your goals.
I am excited to report that I began the New Year writing away madly, as I have been for the last 5 days or so. It's all novel while the novel is still novel! Of course in spending my waking hours writing I have already proven myself to be a rude cow writing hermit. I was invited over to a neighbours on New Years Eve and I actually crossed the road and everything but then did a u-turn and hurried back to the computer. I'd already had a few problems getting ready as I had dyed my hair (I thought it would be more red however it's pretty much crimson pink, but hey, I like it) to mark the New Year and then discovered it was hard to match with my clothes with things that had been bought for a blonde person....Ahem, anyway, I did get ready and everything but instead found myself simple wanting to keep writing so that's what I ended up doing. Of course I felt really bad, but not bad enough to stop writing. I also skipped most of the following day with other friends so I could continue to write. I apologised profusely on all occasions but I found people really supportive and heard lots of "Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do." I also read the same quote recently somewhere so that is my mantra from the universe at present. While the writing is flowing- I keep going! And I guess at the end of the day, good friends hopefully will understand and support you following your goals.
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