Monday, August 9, 2010

Kate Forsyth Workshop

Yesterday I was lucky enough to attend a fantasy writers workshop hosted by the lovely author Kate Forsyth.
Trying to get to the NSW Writers centre from where I live is very complicated and makes me nervous, but with the very sexy voice of 'Sean', our new Tom Tom guiding me, it was almost a pleasure! Let's keep going!
The grounds of the centre at Rozelle are so lovely, that I was immediately ready to absorb as much info as I could get from the class. For $100- I got 6 pretty solid hours of Kate Forsyth's most excellent teaching, advice and experience which I must say was great value.
With 25 books under her belt and a tonne of knowledge, Kate had plenty to share with everyone. Among us were people wanting to write for children and for adults and as she has written both, I'm sure everyone got a lap-full of gems to take home. Kate covered fantasy genre, character, plot, setting, pace, story/chapter/sentence structure as well as giving advice on seeking publication. She also asked us what we were reading and is so well-read herself, she was able to recommend many books she felt we would enjoy. It was a very full day (we even bombarded her with questions while the poor woman tried to eat her lunch) but she was very gracious and generous the whole day. If writing fantasy is your passion, I would highly recommend a course with Kate Forsyth.

1 comment:

  1. Hear, hear! It was a great day, Natalie, and lovely to meet you as well :)
