Feel sick in tummy. Hot and grubby. Look like I've been slapped and chucked in a hurricane. But my oh my, this noggin is full of shiny pearls of wisdom from my most excellent writers workshop day yesterday. Wow really. The best bit about yesterday was the informality of the place. A clean but old and daggy community hall was our venue. You know, the worn polished timber floors, brick walls, small stage with velvet drapes. Probably it's seen a lot of ballet classes and 21st birthday parties. But that humble atmosphere kind of set the tone for the day and helped to show the human side of our guest authors. Their explanations of how and why they work was brilliant and so , so inspiring. I came home smiling, excited and determined to give up housework forever.
Also I got to meet these lovely people afterwards, have my books signed and get a few photo's. They were all just lovely and very friendly. I get such a kick out of talking about a great book with it's author and they seem to enjoy it likewise so everyone's happy! Today I'd like to show the books I have and recommend by these authors and the people themselves and tomorrow I'll pass on tips from them in case anyone else finds it useful.
Sorry the pictures are blurry but no flash was allowed, the authors were quite animated and I was very excited!
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