Sunday, November 22, 2009

The World Between Worlds

After spending all that time soaking up the Ariel Fonted world of writers, I found myself looking at the world through the eyes of a writer. Every old painted door, every odd person or caught remark became tasty fodder for stories. The problem was, i wasn't actually writing during this time (though I would jot down thoughts) but rather being busy doing family or friend things as the year works itself toward the inevitable sweat soaked frenzy that is Christmas time. Aside from my writer frustrations I was very aware that my artist brain was in neutral and had been during my my literary soak. What i mean was I was no longer looking at things as a source of artistic creation or inspiration and I realised the presence of this brain switch when I attended my digital media class yesterday and was looking at a book of amazing digital artwork. 'Ping' my brain switched over into art mode. Anyway though I know I shouldn't waste my time worrying about it I often think of a quote from a character in a book called Finding Nino by Marc Llewellyn. One character, a Sicillian fisherman tells a foreign visitor who likes the land and the sea, " You can't be a fisherman and a farmer. You'll see..." The fact is I do worry about doing both. Can a do a good job of both? How much time do I need to devote to each to do my best. Do I even have that time? Would I be satisfied if one were a hobby? Which would I pick as a hobby if I had to? I guess the answer is I don't know.

I forgot to pass on this writing tips site from Richard Harland who spent a year or so I believe putting this info togther at his own cost for the benefit of you and I .

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