Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Technology Malfunction

Warning. Warning. Engine failure in the main thruster!

I have had no Internet due to a server stuff up, for five days and counting. Big black thunder clouds are floating around my head, rumbling ominously.
I have thrown wobblies to no avail.
All this has made me realise the Internet has become a drug I didn't realise I was addicted to, until it was suddenly taken away from me. Having reflected wisely upon my reaction to this turn of events, I say " GIVE ME BACK MY DRUG!"
Circumstances being what they are, I have taken to dressing in a black catsuit and sneaking out into the night to use other peoples computers to do my deeds on. My friends look amused by the outfit when they open the door to let me in. Nevertheless it has given me the opportunity to get some communication out there, hence I can bring you such compelling news as:

I am using my son's touch typing software to teach myself, well, not origami obviously. This involves firing letters out of a canon and making pretty pictures from letters. Why did I not find this before?

Hormones and creativity do not a pretty picture make. I think I actually hissed at my paints today and folded my arms and stomped at the computer.
Some days you just have to take a break from work. Instead I planted 30 plants in an hour. I think they will grow because they are now too frightened not to. Also one of my hens went broody. I played her funky disco music to remind her of her single days and get her mind off motherhood, but it didn't work.
All this proves that sometimes you've just got to be kind to your sad pathetic tantrum throwing self and wait it out till the sparkle sparkle fairy brings back the rainbow.

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