Sunday, December 13, 2009

Three Books in a Window

Couldn't sleep this morning. The grinder in my mind had begun to turn and little crumbles of words kept tumbling out. So I lithely sprang out of bed, almost gracefully headbutting my dresser.
I headed out to my writing desk and sat looking out at the mandarin sky. I couldn't switch the kettle on for a cuppa. This alerts the dogs outside that I am up and sends them skittering and yipping to be let in for brekky. The dog noise alerts the hens in the hen house who then want their brekky...........all in all, animal chaos and no peace for writing. Instead I scribble madly in the orange light of the small window of time that I have.
OK, I mentioned I bought three books for myself . Here they are- read them at your own risk!
One: ' Is There a Book in You?' by Alison Bavistock. Self explanitory why I bought this, but I need to say it's helping me to measure exactly how much I love writing and to understand what it takes to be successful. An excellent read.
Two: ' Howard's End is on the Landing- A Year of Reading' by Susan Hill. This book can put a happy tear in my eye for two reasons. The first is, that it is a book by an author who spends a year reading all her forgotten or unread books (which I plan to do this year) and secondly because she does it from her old English farmhouse surrounded by rolling hills and hedgehogs. And if you've ever read my profile you'll know that books and things English are on my drugs list.
Three: Walden by Thoreau . Note how I did not give his whole name or book title to impress you with my obvious and wanky prior familiarity of this book. But I say it with great affection too as I am a huge Thoreau fan. As an idealist, Walden is my kind of choccy. I only need read a few pages and it's a soothing peppermint to my mind. Ahhhhh....much better now.

I also wanted to mention I saw 'Where The Wild Things Are' yesterday. Clever and brilliant but very melancholy. Probably not for kiddiwinkles either. So a difficult audience. Very inspiring to write from afterward but I sure as heck wasn't much fun to be with. The soundtrack I adored and will buy- I could write a book from that alone- excellent stuff!

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